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Your Vote is Your Voice

Don't let someone else speak for you

Registration During Early Voting

Early Voting extends the registration period by allowing voters to register and vote until the Monday before an election. Guidelines limit when and where Early Voting registrants can vote – during the Early Voting period, voters must register and vote in person at one of the Clerk’s designated Early Voting locations.

Individuals wishing to vote during the Early Voting must bring two pieces of identification to register, one with a current address. Registrants must immediately cast their ballot after registering to vote. ~Cook County Voter Registration


General Elections

The Cook County, Illinois general election will be held on November 8, 2022. Primaries will be held at an earlier date.

Elections will be held for AssessorClerkSheriff, Treasurer, President of the Cook County Board of Commissioners, all 17 seats of the Cook County Board of Commissioners, all three seats of the Cook County Board of Review, three seats on the Water Reclamation District Board, and for judgeships on the Circuit Court of Cook County.


Illinois voters elect judges every two years. This year, 75 candidates are running for 29 judicial vacancies in Cook County. Every voter will get to choose candidates to fill two appellate court seats and 10 circuit court seats. You may also have one or two subcircuit races on your ballot depending on where you live. Judges elected from subcircuits have the same responsibilities as other circuit court judges, but only people who live in that subcircuit can vote for them.

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